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Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Sometimes I like to read the texts of the early Church to try and get an insight of their mindset. So many times we will read the Bible and try to apply its words to our desiring, right? We have to make it about us. Which, the Bible does speak to all men through all time. However, it is important to remember the context in which it was written. To help with that context, I read what the Church Fathers said and did in their lives. To clarify, I consider the theologians, teachers and bishops who were alive with in 3-5 generations of the Apostles as church fathers. These are people like Polycarp, Clement, and Ignatius.

Among the writings of this early group of believers is what is called the Didache. It is a series of teachings and sayings that were supposedly delivered from the apostles to the early church to take to the Gentiles. While that cannot be exactly proven, reading through the Didache makes it clear that whoever wrote it borrowed heavily from New Testament texts, or possibly the long fabled "Q" document.

Anyways, I was reading through the Didache tonight, as I do every now and then, and thought I'd share something out of it. It is my favorite part, a thanksgiving prayer to God:

After you are filled, give thanks like this:

We thank you, Holy Father, for Your Holy name which you made to dwell in our hearts, and for knowledge and faith and immortality as You made known to us through Jesus, Your Servant. Glory to You forever.

You, Lord Almighty, created all things to show forth Your name. You give both food and drink to man to enjoy, and everlasting life through Your Servant. Above all, we thank You because You are mighty. Glory to You forever. Remember Lord, Your Church, to deliver her from all evil and mature her in Your love. And gather her from the four winds, separated into Your kingdom which You have made for her, because You have the power and glory forever.

Let grace come and this world pass away. Hosanna to the Son of David! If anyone is holy, let him come. If anyone is not, let him repent. Maranatha. Amen

There is such beauty in the heartfelt cry of children to their Father. I pray that we may always remember to thank our Father in Heaven for all the numerous blessings that He bestows upon us.

Praise Him, always.


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