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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A few poems

I was reminded tonight that I had a bunch of poems hiding out somewhere, so I decided to find them, and I will post them here.

This first poem was just for fun. My friend thought I could write a poem about anything, so she tested me and said to write about the sun....So, here we have a poem about the Sun:

The Sun

You come,
You go.
I awake to you gentle caressing my cheek,
Bringing life to my day.

Yet, you make your escape
Leaving me to fend for myself throughout the night
No warmth,
No life,
No radiance,
No Light.

There is one like you,
Imitating your glory,
But never fully reaching your majesty.

It is in this darkness
That I realize how precious you are.
 I tremble in the cold, dark night
Not because the night itself has wronged me,
But because I know that there is none like you,
And I quiver in awe of that thought.

O’ Splendid light!
O Glorious light!
Return to me soon, my love.
Bring solace to my soul,
Peace to my mind,
And let the beauty of life be revealed by your power.

I was joking about wanting to be a King someday, and how I needed a queen.. As I continued to talk with my friend about this, I began to see a bit of a vision in my mind, and words began to come together into this poem:

O’ Queen, my beautiful Queen
See how lovely you are,
Adorned with splendor and grace!

You are as lovely as Venus,
The bright morning star
Chosen as special out of the heavenly bodies
To announce the coming glorious light

And as Venus shines before the full glory is seen,
So too, my love for you, shines
Before I have even laid eyes upon your face

Before our gazes have met
I have seen the inner depths of your soul
And I love you.

 I have seen you
Standing firm and proud
Bearing such luscious fruit
And I desire to taste of it

O’ Queen, my beautiful Queen
So soft and delicate
Fit only for the finest linens
And the gentlest touches.

O’ my sweetest love
I adore you
I desire you

When will Heaven reveal you?
When shall I give pursuit to your heart?
When shall I make you my wife?
When shall I crown you my Queen?

I know not when,
Yet my heart is ready
For you.


I wrote this one about a year after I became a Christian, and I was going through a time of hardship..

Out to Sea:

I’m afraid of losing you.
And my fears consume me
As the sea consumes a vessel,
First tossing it side to side
Emptying its inside of all treasure.
Then causing it to break apart at the foundations
Allowing death to flood each cabin.
Slowly it begins to descend to the depths
Crushed by pressure
Sealed by fate.

So too is my fate with out you, O sweetest name that my lips can whisper
My soul is emptied of the joy that you once stowed in my hull,
As I take the battering of the waves of life.
My foundation is cracked,
Slowly leaking life.
Holes in my sails prevent movement from this predicament.
Now the Kraken emerges,
And envelops this vessel
Promising to end this quickly.

But sea monsters lie.

And now,
Now I’m drowning,
Drowning slowly.
Liquid fills my lungs 
Forcing out the air.
Fear controls my mind now
And darkness clouds my view
As I slowly sink
Sink further away from you,
Son, the source of light.

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