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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Street Corner Preachers

Sometime around my sophomore year of university, I ran into a group of street evangelists in the free speech area of the campus. I was minding my own business, not caring much what they had to say. Then a gentleman stopped me and began to accuse me of all sorts of sinful things. That caused me to go from not caring to jimmies heavily rustled, in about 2.1 seconds.

 It wasn't that these things weren't true. Most of them were true (for me or anyone else walking down that path).  It was college, after all. Who didn't go out and have a drink or twelve? Who didn't smoke here or there? Who wasn't lusting after others? We all did it! So, it wasn't that he was correct about my wrong actions. I knew they were wrong. I knew I was doing wrong things. That was never in question.

What really ticked me off was the way he spoke to me. He was full of arrogance. He shouted out things, instead of calmly speaking about it. He came off as an angry, judgmental jerk.

So what did I do? What I do best- I got in an angry confrontation with him. I skipped class, just to stand out there and shout him down. The only time I left was to go find a Bible, so I could hurl accusation against the preacher. That was fun- talking about mixing fabrics, eating bacon, sleeping in bed with a woman who had her period- you know, the important things. In the end, nothing was solved

Since that time, I've held a little bitterness for street preachers. Every time I come across one, it is always the same things running through my mind:
Why are they always yelling at people?
How can they be so judgmental?
Don't they know God is love?
They are driving people away from the Gospel!

And every time, I always get a bit of anger in me, which causes me to go to combat mode. Every time, I get into a debate, and leave feeling angry and self righteous.

Well, every time except this last time.

It was just a few days ago. I went on a walk, and ended up at the Lincoln Memorial. I think it has one of the best views there. Anyway, I was walking to the stairs when I heard a man shouting scriptures about salvation and sin.

"Great," I thought to myself, "Another street preacher trying to ruin everyone's day."

I made my way up to the top of the stairs, took a few photos, and then made my way back down. I started to walk by the man, almost ready for a fight. Then I stopped and I listened to him.

I heard past the yelling voice.

I looked past the rough look he had.

Slowly, everything around me began to transform into a familiar room. The man appeared with a familiar face.

I was staring at, and listening to myself. Seriously. The words that came from this man's mouth could have easily come from my mouth during any of my talks to the youth.




"Did I transform into some crazy, fundamentalist over time?"
" Have I lost my bearings? Am I becoming a Pharisee?"

These are serious thoughts I had. I mean, I really began to doubt myself, because I seemed to be like this man.

But then I became really humbled. Who am I to say that this guy is wrong? There was not a single theological mistake that he made, while giving his sermon. He was preaching the material that any Christian should preach. He was saying that humans were sinful, and that Christ made salvation possible for humankind. I give variants of this same talk. Every. Single. Event.

 Now, I still feel that it is better to not shout at people. Even if you are yelling nice things, people are not as likely to respond (or even listen) to you.

So, I guess what I am saying is that probably won't be going into battle against other Christians who are preaching Christ on the street corner.  Instead, I will pray for them to have success. I want people to know Jesus, no matter the method. If the street preacher can reach 1 person, then he has brought glory to the kingdom of God.

I guess I am just becoming more mellow...