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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Our Greatest Fear

Sometime ago, there was an already famous quote by Marianne Williamson, made more famous by the movie Coach Carter. It goes like this:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.' We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Before I get into talking about what is on my mind, I must first say this: I do agree with the above quote. And I believe there is a big difference between humility that a believer should practice, and the "shrinking" that the quote speaks about. Humility is accepting that your ability/talent/work is from God and not your own accord. You know that it is He who has given you this, so you cannot boast in yourself about doing whatever it may be. "Shrinking" is denying the ability God has given you. It is like pride reversed. "I am so bad, that I can't do anything at all", is no different from 'I am so good". The focus is on I am, and not God.

That being said, I want to address this quote in regards to my own life. I have come to be the embodiment of the 'shrinking' person it talks about. I have that greatest fear... I am afraid to acknowledge any talents or skills that God has given me. Why? Because I am scared of having a responsibility, and failing to live up to any expectations. I think this is a pretty common fear among people. And I think it is rather common for people to live lives that are far below their potential. I know that I have lived this way. When I was in school, I lived a life far below my potential. I thought it was good enough to just get by, and my grades reflected that. I went from being always above 3.7GPA in High School, to graduating with a 2.7 my final year of University. I set the bar low. It was laziness through fear that lead me down that path. That is not a pretty path to take, especially when you know your skills are far above where you have set yourself.

It has often been that laziness through fear that has also hampered my spiritual journey. Maybe I don't read as much scripture, pray enough prayers, do enough good deeds, disciple enough people, share my faith enough times, and so on. I am not saying I need to do any of those things, like they are what leads me to salvation. No, I will always say salvation comes from God's grace through faith. It is God's gift to give. However, that doesn't mean I shouldn't do those things. In fact, I have all the more reason to do it. But I prohibit myself from doing. I think I, like a majority of people, are afraid to do those things which God has equipped us to do. What if we fail? Do we fail God? What if we succeed? Do we want that type of power and responsibility? Do we want that close connection to God?

We may say yes that we want to be connected to God, but the truth is that we are scared for some reason. I am scared of being God's ambassador to people, and failing that role. I am afraid of turning people away from God by what I may say or do. What if I am a leader, and I tell someone the wrong thing? I am held accountable for that, and it frightens me.

Yet, God, for some reason, keeps thrusting me into situations where I am a leader, or seen as someone with some authority. People are attracted to me. I don't know why. I never feel like I have anything good to say. Yet people come to me with their issues, concerns, and needs. And I eventually become responsible for helping these people through their times of need. And though I am scared, I rely so much on God and I run forward, eyes closed, hoping for the best. And God is faithful.

So, my friends, I ask that you look at those things which God has given you,and don't be afraid of using them. God gave them to you that you may bless the world around you, for HIS glory. He didn't make you a talented singer, so that you can be afraid to praise Him aloud. He did't allow you to be a diplomatic person, just that you may watch people fight and divide. He didn't make you an intellect, for you to skip class and get below average grades. He didn't make you compassionate, so that you could sit at home and feel bad about the world suffering from sin. NO! He made you these things, to be a beacon of light to the world. You are his flag bearer. Flag bearers were a very important part of the military. The were a symbol of morale. They guided the movements of the troops. Losing a flag bearer could mean a major change to the battle. So if you are a flag bearer for Christ, then why are you sitting down in this battle? He has equipped you to lead with him through this life. Your skills and talents are given that you may go into this world, spreading His kingdom to the hearts of men everywhere.

Don't be afraid. Don't lose hope. Don't sit still. Don't shrink yourself. Go forward, and use those gifts.


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Reflections from Saranac

I was away for a week in Saranac Lake, New York. While I was there I decided to write some notes down, as a sort of journal. I will share those things I wrote, and learned.

Day 1 (Friday)
Didn't sleep. Ate and drank very little. Why? I wanted not to work on my own devices or strengths, but on God's strength through the Spirit. So far, so good. I am operating now on the Spirit, and not on Thomas. I've had fun connecting with the kids. We did an obstacle course, and I was covered in mud. But despite the dirt and grim, we worked together as a team. How wonderful. Cabin time tonight was GREAT. The Holy Spirit allowed me a chance to speak my testimony to the kids, and this is just night one. They seem to GET IT. Praise God.

Day 2 (Saturday)
Wow. How can I say more? God has blown my mind beyond all comprehension! Spending time with the teens is a great experience. They were asking the important life changing questions. "God, I pray that these questions break the hearts of the kids. Lord, tear them down. Let them know of their need for you. Please God, give us seed to soil upon this fertile soil. Give the water. give the sunshine. Provide the growth and multiply the increase. Lord shower your grace and mercy upon this camp. Drown us all in your love. Amen"

P.S. Blacklight party was great. Oh, and did I mention that someone caught my eye? Oh well, gotta keep focused on the mission.

Day 3 (Sunday)
Today has been the PERFECT day. I had to overcome some fears of mine. The two I had to face head on were the fears of failure and what others think of me. Today we did first did the ropes course. I won't lie- I was flipping scared. But I knew I had to be brave so the kids could overcome their fears. A leader always puts others first, despite his or her fears. We got all but 1 to go through the course. I say this is a success. One of our kids had an unfortunate experience or two, but at the end I spoke this to him "Do you know Espiritu Santo? He has gone before and will catch you before you fall". After that, he got up and jumped to the end of the course. Maybe it was what I said? Maybe he felt the Spirit speak to him? I know not. All I know is I came away feeling confident, both as an individual with fears and a leader. After this, we had half of our crew on the parasail boat. Again, WOW. Fear came over me. They go up like 200 feet! And it was cloudy, windy and sprinkling off and on. But, I did it. I embraced my fear and trusted in the Lord. And guess what? I enjoyed it. I wanted to go again! I see how everyone has that fear deep inside them, which will consume those who don't check it. Some choose to be ruled by fear, but I must allow Christ, who overcame the grave, to overcome my fears for me. I choose to live my life to the fullest, as God intends it. I will NOT be consumed by fear.

That is just part of the day. I am writing an addition to the day. Remember that girl that caught my eye? We danced. Okay, so she came over and asked if I would, and my roomie, Aaron told me to go for it....So I did. Evidently she is a good dancer, and I am such a terrible one. I was so nervous about dancing with a beautiful woman, but now...Well I feel more comfortable. Did I mention her eyes and smile are very nice? Heh. Anyways....

Today I have overcome so many fears, and God is working it to the best. He is providing me with a great time, and I see that life should be enjoyed. It is a praise to Him, so long as we don't let those things consume us.

Day 4
Remember how I talked about dancing last night? Well, I did a lot more dancing tonight at dinner time. And this time, I was the one asking girls to dance. Heh. My boys would say I have "swag". But something more impressive is happening outside of the sudden appearance of gusto in my life. These guys are opening up to one another and being completely vulnerable. They, like me, have looked fear in the face, and have chosen freedom over oppression. And their vulnerability causes me to be even more vulnerable to their needs. This both delights and frightens me. I am delighted to help the helpless to find hope in hopelessness. But I am very afraid of not being to help them. On my own, I WILL fail. But through Christ within me, their needs will be met and nurtured. God, bless me with the Spirit, that my life may be a testimony to your great works. Amen!

Days 5&6 didn't have entries, because i was busy talking to the guys about their need for Christ. I was also able to share my testimony with the camp with a cardboard testimony time. God really changed me through this experience. Since coming back, I have been acting out of faith in so many ways, and its just amazing me. Praise God!


I felt the sudden urge to write some poems. They happened to come out as love like poems..Whoops.

You had me with that smile you wore
And those eyes, mmm
So inviting.

Swaying, like a tree in the wind,
We danced into the night
Feet not in synch,
But our hearts,
Pounding like drums,
Were in beat.

Lost in the midst of a sea of people,
Tossed back and forth among the waves
Frightened I would lose control
And down we’d go
But your eyes spoke to mine
“Peace, be still”
And all was well.
And we danced upon still waters,
The moon our guiding light
Just you and I,
A heavenly sight.

Lovely eyes, lovely eyes
why the look of surprise?
As if love wasn't possible
But just a minnow in a sea of lies.

Lovely eyes, lovely eyes
Why are you so scared
to embrace what we had
or the future we could share?

Lovely eyes, Lovely eyes
Turn away from despair
Love is before you
Your love is here.

O lovely eyes,
Come, smile once more
Let your joy met my heart
Like waves meet the shore

Lovely eyes, o’ lovely eyes
No words can suffice
The way that I feel,
When I look into your lovely eyes