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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Knowing God

Humans are social beings. Everything we do is based on social interaction with other humans. As a result, over the course of one's life, one will often build many bonds with other humans. Sometimes they are business fueled, or perhaps just an acquaintance in the neighborhood. Often times, those relationship are not as well remembered, or as meaningful as an intimate relationship with, say, a partner, best friend, or family member. Those are the relationships that matter the most to humans.

It's not surprising, then, that I have noticed quite a few Christians using phrases like "Not a religion, but a relationship" or talking about creating a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not bashing that. I believe it is necessary for a person to indeed have a personal relationship with Christ, for them to enter into Eternal Life, and please God. My point of writing this is to cause people to examine what intimacy with Christ, really is.

I believe the mind set of most American Christians, is that intimacy with Christ is still just a Sunday thing. Unless you are really intimate, in which case its Wednesday nights too. I also believe that the image most people have about Christ is closer to a Greek god than the Living God. Many people hold Christ as a powerful man, who lived long ago, teaching and doing great things for humanity, and now sits far away casting judgment while sitting on His throne. Now, those things are all true, technically, but those people I just mentioned limit Christ to this. Others limit Him to a Holy ATM machine, asking things of Him, only when they need Him. And still others try to hold Him personal as the "Buddy Jesus", but fail to see His Holiness.

So, what does knowing Jesus mean? I look to the disciples, and my own experiences on this. The disciples knew Jesus pretty well. After all, they did spend three years together. This was three years of hearing Jesus snore. Three years of smelling His bad breath in the morning. Three years of seeing his bedhead. Three years of knowing when he had bad gas. Three years of close conversations, not just what was recorded in the Gospels.

I'll give some examples with my own life, which probably applies to most other people. Being in an intimate relationship with my parents, doesn't mean that I hold them as some great person living long ago, giving birth to me, and supplying my needs. That denies what actually makes them great. My dad is a chronic snorer. My mom sometimes has bad gas. I know them well. I know what makes them mad, depressed, and of course, what makes them happy. They have taught me things, and I have shared my ideas with them. They provide for me at times, and I am grateful, and show them that. We know each other.

Or take Dan Rigg and I. We were roomates, (actually sharing a bedroom) for one whole year. I knew when Dan got mad, and he knew when I was mad. We knew when each other had upset stomachs, bad days, colds, or what not. We had, and still have, a close, personal relationship with each other. He has taught me, and vice versa, and both of us have the utmost respect and love for each other. We are best friends.

Likewise, the disciples had this relationship with Christ. Everything he did in those three years, they likely knew about and vice versa. They were closer than brothers, excuse the cliche. They had a personal relationship. This was how Jesus chose how to shepherd, or disciple, those men into what they were to become. And He commanded them to do the same thing with their flocks. They were to become close to them, as they had been close to Him.

And we today, are called to this as well. But in a society that seems to be very disconnected, it is hard create close, meaningful relationships, and that seems to carry over into our relationship with the Lord. Again, we treat Him differently than we do with our closest friends. Why is that?

I challenge ever Brother and Sister to change this in their lives. Our relationship with Him is the most important one that we will ever have. Don't let it be restricted to Sundays. Or to your reading of the Word once a day/week/month/whenever. Or when you put in a Christian CD. Or when you pray to get something you want. As Paul said, "Take captive every thought", because every thought should be based on Him. Any thought not based around Him is a tear divide in your relationship. Every sin is a stab in the back. So then, every thought you think, every breath you are given, every word you speak, every blink of your eye, every life changing decision, every meal you eat, every item you purchase, every time you reflect...All of that should be focused on getting closer to Christ, knowing Him better than the moment before.

You talk to your closest friends many times a day. How often do you talk to Him? How often do you listen? How often do you seek to know the most intimate, secret, details about the One who made you? How often do you honestly seek to know the Christ intimately?

That is a question we all need to ask, and if we are honest, we should feel a little regret with the answer, because we can always be closer. It is a tough challenge, but we were made for it. All we need to do is allow ourselves to be transformed from what this world has nurtured us to be into the being Christ made us naturally.

Christ said "My Father and I are one". That is the key intimate relationship. We too, are called to be one in fellowship with Him.


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